by Annemiek | Feb 16, 2023 | child rights focus
Anchored in the Luxembourg Constitution in December 2022, the rights of the child are now specific fundamental rights guaranteeing children and adolescents the status of legal subjects and citizens. It has been a long road/way to bring the child out of the shadow of...
by Annemiek | Jul 12, 2022 | blog, child rights focus
The drafters of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (crpd) incorporated the concept of inclusive education into Article 24 of the crpd. Many consider this to be a new children’s right. The inclusive education idea has played since 2006 a role...
by Annemiek | Feb 25, 2022 | blog, child rights focus
Philip Veerman about 30 years ‘The International Journal of Children’s Rights’ – a brief history, the founding and new developments and challenges. “I am more worried now about the future of children than I was in the period 1989–1993,...
by Annemiek | Dec 28, 2021 | child rights focus, Israel-palestina
Evaluating the decision by the Ministry of Defence to declare DCI-Palestine a ‘terrorist organisation’ In 1988 I founded the Israeli-Section of Defence for Children International (DCI) and struggled 17 years to get funding and run the organisation. We successfully...
by Annemiek | Nov 4, 2021 | blog, child rights focus
The lack of enforcement of the Hague ban on nitrous oxide contributes to making young people think more easily about drug use, says health care psychologist Philip Veerman in his opinion piece in The Hague Central. The developments around nitrous oxide have been rapid...
by Annemiek | Sep 15, 2021 | blog, child rights focus
Sometimes old articles I wrote are suddenly again up to date. An example is my article from 1990 in the Jerusalem Post. In 1990 I was lobbying that Israel would ratify the Hague Child Abduction Convention. The article helped. In May 1991 I was invited by Uzi Landau,...