by Annemiek | May 4, 2020 | blog, child rights focus
In 1962 “Mies Bouwman” raised money on television to build a village for disabled people near Arnhem. In Den Haag Centraal Gz psychologist Philip Veerman is already looking beyond the ‘fine initiative’ to build an emergency village for the...
by Annemiek | Apr 16, 2020 | blog, child rights focus
The corona crisis seems to revolve mainly around the elderly, but involving young people more in policy is key, says Philip Veerman in his article in Den Haag Centraal. Little is known how Minister Slob set a good example. Read the article (in dutch)...
by Annemiek | Jan 11, 2020 | blog, child rights focus
The Pan-African Child Rights Forum (PACRiF) is one of three events that UNICEF-AU Office is organizing to mark the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC30) in November 2019 and the 30th anniversary of the African Charter on the Rights and...
by Annemiek | Oct 31, 2019 | blog, child rights focus
10 december – dag van de rechten van de mens – Philip Veerman is gast op deze avond met Jan Kizilhan. In 2014, professor doctor Jan Ilhan Kizilhan gave an interview to Germany’s largest newspaper Bild about the situation of the Yezidi in Northern Iraq...
by Annemiek | Mar 6, 2019 | blog, child rights focus, speeches, work experience
Philip Veerman is Speaking at the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE – 2-3 Mai 2019 Villa Jeantet Geneva: Title: ‘Religion, friend or foe of children’s Rights Please mark in your agenda and pass along the following information to your network of...
by Annemiek | Nov 19, 2015 | blog
In case you did not know: November 20 is Universal Children’s Day. On 14 December 1954 the UN General Assembly recommended that all countries institute a Universal Children’s Day “as a day of world-wide fraternity and understanding between children and of activity...