Children’s rights in theory and practice

On this website you will find articles and publications by Dr. Philip E. Veerman about children’s rights and announcements of symposia and conferences in the field of (international) children’s rights.

Recent articles

Bienvenue au Okaju SummerSeminar 2023

Journées de formation, d’information et d’échanges sur la situation des droits de l’enfant au Luxembourg et dans le monde L’édition 2023 du SummerSeminar est organisée par l’Office de l’Ombudsman fir Kanner a Jugendlecher, (OKAJU), en partenariat...

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Worries that vlogging by children can become childlabour.

Worries that vlogging by children can become childlabour. See (if you read Dutch) my comments in the newspaper AD: Grote zorgen om jonge vloggers: is hier sprake van kinderarbeid? | Binnenland | ...

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Philip Veerman speaker at the Pan-African Child Rights Forum

Philip Veerman speaker at the Pan-African Child Rights Forum

The Pan-African Child Rights Forum (PACRiF) is one of three events that UNICEF-AU Office is organizing to mark the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC30) in November 2019 and the 30th anniversary of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC30)...

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The Oxford Handbook of children’s rights law

The Oxford Handbook of children’s rights law

Philip Veerman writes a chapter in The Oxford Handbook of children's Rights Law 2020. Examining the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child through the Lens of Caste- and Descent-based Discrimination. Table of contents

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Jan Kizilhan: ‘On the Yezidi trauma’ 10 december, de Balie

Jan Kizilhan: ‘On the Yezidi trauma’ 10 december, de Balie

10 december - dag van de rechten van de mens - Philip Veerman is gast op deze avond met Jan Kizilhan.  In 2014, professor doctor Jan Ilhan Kizilhan gave an interview to Germany’s largest newspaper Bild about the situation of the Yezidi in Northern Iraq under ISIS. ‘Step by step, Isis carries out...

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Philip Edmond Veerman

Philip Edmond Veerman (Amsterdam, 28 juni 1948) is an expert in children’s rights, health-psychology and (special) education. He initiated several new child welfare organisations in the Netherlands and developed international children’s rights initiatives. For his 40 years of efforts to promote children’s rights he was given a Royal distinction, when in 2015 he became Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau.

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