ONDERZOEKDe Inspectie Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid gaat onderzoeken of kindvloggers slachtoffer zijn van kinderarbeid. Er staan inmiddels al 652 youtubers ingeschreven bij de Kamer van Koophandel, een groot aantal van hen is minderjarig.
Presenting in Toronto at the International Conference on the Prevention of Youth Homelessness

What is the Dutch governent doing against child labour by the Chinese dancecompany Shun Yun? See (in Dutch): Chinees dansgezelschap verdient miljoenen met kinderarbeid in Nederland | BNR Nieuwsradio bnr.nl/nieuws/economie/10565…
Health insurance for children remains a big challenge in the USA for 2025. See: It doesn't make sense': Why millions of children have lost their health insurance nbcnews.com/health/health-ca…
Again children in schools in the USA are not safe!! See NBC:Live updates: 3 dead in shooting at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin nbcnews.com/news/us-news/liv…
A setback for children’s rights. See NBC news: Iraq could allow marriage for girls as young as 9. A survivor says it would fuel rape and child abuse. nbcnews.com/news/world/iraq-…
De Clara Meijer Wichmann Penning: naar Jason Bhugwandass. Proficiat Jason!!!

Nigeria's President Bola Tinubu came to his senses: freedom of expression is not treason! See the BBC news item: bbc.com/news/articles/cr4lzq…
Impact of climate on children? Here is one.Schools close in Lahore as pollution hits record level. See this BBC newsitem. bbc.com/news/articles/c5ymg6…
I offer my condoleances to the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo on the passing of Giovanola, who I had the pleasure to meet once in Buenos Aires. Thanks to her and the Grandmothers ‘the right to identity’ is in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child batimes.com.ar/news/argentin…
People can regress and probably States too. This NT’s regression is regrettable and against the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. See: Australia's Northern Territory resumes jailing 10-year-olds - BBC News bbc.com/news/articles/cpqz8g…
This is the 45th schoolshooting this year In the USA!! See: Georgia school shooting live updates: Suspect was a new student at the school and taken into custody within minutes nbcnews.com/news/us-news/liv…
They can make a diffetence. See: 8 million teens are eligible to vote. These high school students want to make sure more do. nbcnews.com/politics/2024-el…
Opinie: Laat kinderen en jongeren zoveel mogelijk meepraten als volwaardige burgers | de Volkskrant archive.ph/2024.07.31-132756…
It seemed a step forward for children but is it? See: Why a landmark kids online safety bill that just passed the Senate is still deeply divisive nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/w…
Sad about tragic findings innthe US. See: Over 970 Native American children died at federal boarding schools | Reuters reuters.com/world/us/over-97…
Now also Druze children. When will this madness end? See: White coffins of children killed in Hezbollah rocket attack carried through streets of Majdal Shams
How sad that so many young people in care were abused in New Zeeland. Good that it was brought to the open. See: New Zealand landmark report finds 200,000 suffered abuse in care bbc.com/news/articles/c4ng6j…
Incredible that PM Netanyahu blocked starting a hospital for children in Gaza!!! Does he have enemies under 7 years old? See: PM vetoes Gallant's field hospital for Gaza kids; defense officials: He's playing politics
To make a children’s hospital a taget how terrible for humanity. See: Russia strikes Kyiv children’s hospital in huge missile attack – POLITICO politico.eu/article/russians…
In memoriam Michael Freeman whose funeral I attended in London this afternoon. A giant in the field of children’s rights.